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Global Digital Cultures Soirée - Politics of AI

Date: 11th May 2023

Time: 18:00-22:00 (CEST)

Location: Claire's Ballroom at Kapitein Zeppos

At the upcoming Global Digital Cultures Soirée on Thursday 11th May 2023, speakers Claudia Aradau, Tobias Blanke and Daniel Mügge, will discuss the Politics of AI. Professor Aradau and Professor Blanke will be discussing their new book Algorithmic Reason, which won the 2023 Best Book Award by the Science, Technology and Arts in International Relations (STAIR) section of the International Studies Association (the open access version of the book can be found here). Professor Mügge will present his regulAite project, financed through a Vici grant of the Dutch Research Council.

After brief presentations from these scholars, the floor will be open for questions and comments from participants. To prepare for the discussion, attendees are asked to read the authors' texts in advance (shared via email following registration).

The evening will start with drinks, and dinner will be served around 20:00. Attendance is free of charge.


About the speakers:

Claudia Aradau is Professor of International Politics in the Department of War Studies and Principal Investigator of the Consolidator Grant SECURITY FLOWS (‘Enacting border security in the digital age: Political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions’), funded by the European Research Council (2019-2024). Her research has developed a critical political analysis of security practices. As more and more problems and people become constituted as objects and subjects of security, her research has inquired into the effects this has for political subjectivity and democracy. Her current research focuses on how digital technologies reconfigure security and surveillance practices, and how algorithms and machine learning recast relations between security, democracy and critique.

Tobias Blanke is University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Humanities at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation. He is also affiliated with King’s College London as Professor of Social and Cultural Informatics. His academic background is in computer science and political philosophy. Tobias's principal research interests lie in artificial intelligence and big data devices for research, particularly in the human sciences. He has also published extensively on ethical questions of Artificial Intelligence such as predictive policing and algorithmic otherings, as well as critical digital practices, and the critique of digital platforms.

Daniel Mügge is Professor of Political Arithmetic at the political science department of the UvA. Daniel's current research investigates the European governance of artificial intelligence (AI). With a five-person team, his RegulAite project concentrates on "AI diplomacy", the EU's external relations in the AI field - both with other countries such as China and the USA, as well as its role in multilateral efforts to regulate AI. In the context of his work on AI, he is also co-initiator of the Citizens, Society and AI (CiSAI) research platform at the UvA (with Claes de Vreese).

For further details, please visit the event webpage.



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