Research team
We are an interdisciplinary team, with backgrounds ranging from critical security studies, border and migration studies, social theory to computer science.

Professor of International Politics, Principal Investigator
Claudia Aradau is Principal Investigator of SECURITY FLOWS and Professor of International Politics in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. Her research has developed a critical political analysis of security practices. Among her publications are Politics of Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown (co-authored with Rens van Munster, 2011) and Critical Security Methods: New Frameworks for Analysis (co-edited with Jef Huysmans, Andrew Neal and Nadine Voelkner, 2015). She is on the editorial collective of Radical Philosophy and on the editorial boards of International Political Sociology and Security Dialogue. Aradau is also working on the research project GUARDINT. Read more.

Research Associate
Thais Lobo is a research associate at King's College London and holds a master's degree in Digital Humanities. She is also a contributor to the Public Data Lab research network. Her research interests are in the use of digital methods in the context of investigations around online platforms and digital cultures. Interdisciplinary research to which she contributed has focused on issues such as political bots, health disinformation, green washing and digital surveillance.

Research Associate
Former project member
Lucrezia Canzutti is a Research Associate in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. Her research focuses on migration and diaspora policy, citizenship studies, and il/liberalism. In her previous work, Lucrezia has explored the relationship between migrant populations and their (illiberal) home and host-states, and how this relationship affects migrant’s access to citizenship and rights. In SECURITYFLOWS, Lucrezia is investigating the nature and impact of ‘datafication’ at the EU external and internal borders. She is also contributing to the development of a multi-modal methodology aimed at analysing how data flows in practice. Read more.

Research Associate
Former project member
Sarah Perret is a Research Associate and holds a PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Paris-Saclay. Her research has explored structures of domination in the construction of the meaning of ‘threat’ and ‘risk’, particularly regarding questions of identity and democratic legitimization (rule of law, symbolic power of parliament, legal language), mainly in Europe and the United States. Her current work in SECURITY FLOWS focuses on contributing to the development of a multi-modal methodology and an innovative theorizing the epistemic impacts of ‘datafication’ at the EU borders as a source of knowledge and non-knowledge. Read more.

Research Associate
Former project member
Ana Valdivia is a Research Associate in Computer Science at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. Her research has explored the performance of computational linguistics models and the design of ethical, transparent and fair machine learning classifiers. Concerned about the impact that artificial intelligence can have on vulnerable communities, her interest lies in investigating how governmental actors are implementing it. In SECURITY FLOWS, Ana works on the development of digital methods to better understand the production of data and technology for border security. She will also bridge the gap between computer and social science. Read more.
Research Assistant
Former project member
Ibtehal is an organiser that has worked on anti-arms trade campaigning, particularly within Higher Education. Her research and organising has focused on the politics of security, militarism, and transnational resistance and solidarity. Ibtehal has completed a BA in War Studies & Philosophy and an MSc in Politics of Conflict, Rights & Justice.

Professor of International Relations,
Ethics Adviser
Anna Leander is Professor of International Relations at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and at the Institute of International Relations. Her work is located at the intersection of critical International Relations theory and of critical commercial security studies. Her current research concentrates on the politics of commercial security technologies and particularly on the material, aesthetic and affective dimensions of this politics. In 2019, Anna received the Distinguished Scholar Award of the Science Technology and Art section of the International Studies Association. In SECURTY FLOWS, she will advise the team with to ensure the compliance of the project with ethical standards. Read more.

Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Humanities,
Digital Methods Adviser
Tobias Blanke is Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Humanities at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation. He is also affiliated with King’s College London as Professor of Social and Cultural Informatics. His academic background is in computer science and political philosophy. Blanke’s principal research interests lie in artificial intelligence and big data devices for research, particularly in the human sciences. He has also published extensively on ethical questions of Artificial Intelligence such as predictive policing and algorithmic othering, as well as critical digital practices, and the critique of digital platforms. Read more.

Past members

Research Assistant
Former project member
Alvina Hoffmann is a doctoral student in International Relations funded by the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP). Her research analyses human rights claims from the perspective of those who claim to speak on behalf of individuals and social groups. It dissects the roles that entanglements of expertise and local representation play in mediating between particular settings of claims to human rights and aspirational notions of universalism. It investigates these questions in the context of dissenting minorities in Crimea, the Sámi people in northern Scandinavia and UN special rapporteurs as independent human rights experts. Read more.