Lucrezia Canzutti, Sarah Perret, and Claudia Aradau will be speaking at the international conference 'Contesting 21st Century B/Orders'. The conference, organised by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, will be held from 6th-8th September 2023 at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
Lucrezia Canzutti, Sarah Perret, and Claudia Aradau will be presenting their research, '(Un)Making Mess: Borders, Datafication, Critique' on Friday 8th September. They will be speaking on the 'Researching Digital Borders – Taking Stock, Challenges and New Directions of Research' convened by Nina Amelung (Lisbon Univ.) and Silvan Pollozek (EUV) .
Further details available on the conference webpage. The program overview can be found here, and the full program booklet of the conference can be found here.
Image taken from program booklet.